Rabu, 29 April 2020

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Semester 1 + Kunci Jawaban

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
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Pada kesempatan kali ini akan kami bagikan contoh latihan Soal UTS / Ulangan Tengah Semester 1 (Ganjil) Kelas 6 / VI SD Mapel Bahasa Inggris dan Kunci Jawaban - Kurikulum 2006 ( KTSP )

Cuplikan :

13. Train is .... than bus.
      a. fast
      b. slow
      c. faster
      d. slower

14. The opposite of south is ....
      a. north
      b. east
      c. west
      d. southwest

15. The opposite of long is ....
      a. big
      b. short
      c. large
      d. small

II. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!
    (Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
16. The cat is under the chair.
17. The book is on the table.
18. Post office is beside the hospital
19. My house is on Jl.Benteng.
20. Pencil is longer than eraser.

III. Arrange the words into good sentences!
     (Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
21. is - Where - post office - the?
22. faster - train - The - runs - bus - the - than.
23. is - She - playing - doll.
24. father - My - older - is - my - mother - than.
25. table - The - on - glass - is.

1. a           6. d         11. b
2. b           7. d         12. c
3. a           8. b         13. c
4. b           9. c         14. a
5. a           10.b        15. b

16. Kucing di bawah kursi.
17. Buku di atas meja.
18. Kantor pos disamping rumah sakit.
19. Rumah saya di jalan benteng.
20. Pensil lebih panjang daripada penghapus.

21. Where is the post office?
22. The train runs faster than the bus.
23. She is playing doll.
24. My father is older than my mother.
25. The glass is on the table.

13. Train is .... than bus.
      a. fast
      b. slow
      c. faster
      d. slower

14. The opposite of south is ....
      a. north
      b. east
      c. west
      d. southwest

15. The opposite of long is ....
      a. big
      b. short
      c. large
      d. small

II. Translate the sentences into Indonesian!
    (Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa Indonesia!)
16. The cat is under the chair.
17. The book is on the table.
18. Post office is beside the hospital
19. My house is on Jl.Benteng.
20. Pencil is longer than eraser.

III. Arrange the words into good sentences!
     (Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar!)
21. is - Where - post office - the?
22. faster - train - The - runs - bus - the - than.
23. is - She - playing - doll.
24. father - My - older - is - my - mother - than.
25. table - The - on - glass - is.


1. a           6. d         11. b
2. b           7. d         12. c
3. a           8. b         13. c
4. b           9. c         14. a
5. a           10.b        15. b

16. Kucing di bawah kursi.
17. Buku di atas meja.
18. Kantor pos disamping rumah sakit.
19. Rumah saya di jalan benteng.
20. Pensil lebih panjang daripada penghapus.

21. Where is the post office?
22. The train runs faster than the bus.
23. She is playing doll.
24. My father is older than my mother.
25. The glass is on the table.

Silakan klik link di bawah ini untuk men download soal selengkapnya :

Demikianlah contoh Soal UTS / Ulangan Tengah Semester 1 Kelas 6 SD Mapel Bahasa Inggris beserta kunci jawabannya - (KTSP). Semoga Bermanfaat.